Mother's Day 2018 is a single holiday to celebrate our mothers. But we have a head start to the celebration. Here at Barcode Glam we are celebrating all week long. Mothers are the single most important individual in this entire world. I have yet to experience motherhood but I know for a fact being a MOM is the most toughest, nurturing, loving, selfless & rewarding job a women will ever have. 

"The meaning of being a mother is virtually endless. A mother is a protector, disciplinarian and friend. A mother is a selfless, loving human who must sacrifice many of their wants and needs for the wants and needs of their children. A mother works hard to make sure their child is equipped with the knowledge, skills and abilities to make it as a competent human being."


Mothers have a way of turning their environments around them into a “home”. Making even the coldest and darkest of places to be warm, nurturing and comforting. From the time they first find out that they are carrying us, moms alter their entire lifestyles to make a healthy environment for their soon to be babies. From months of pregnancy to hours of excruciating labor- we thank mothers during this time for nurturing us at our most vulnerable moments. Our early beginnings that helped to shape all of our brain development, as we crawled, toddled, took our first steps and kept them awake and alert for roughly 5 years. We thank you.

(Ami mother to her IG famous twins Ava and Alexis & son Jersey) 

They are there for the rough and uncomfortable teenage years where our attitudes and our acne are sky high. There when we pick out our first prom dress or suit and holding tissues when we go through our first heartbreak. Mothers motivating us through schoolwork and also rooting for us to finish strong and do our best. Their the ones front row, loud as ever screaming at the top of our lungs when we walk down the aisle for our diplomas. Our number one coaches and our biggest cheerleaders. We thank you.

(Yara & her Mother)


Whether they moved us into college our first year or helped us into our first apartments, Moms are always the first ones to support even as their babies leave the nest. No matter how old we get, we still look to our very first role models and look up to the women who we’ve always aspired to be. We wait all year and dream about Thanksgiving and the holiday season, walking into a warm turkey and Mama’s mac and cheese, embracing a warm hug and knowing that you're finally at home again. Although we may not get to see them as much anymore, we are still always drawn back home somehow and somewhere. Home is warm hugs when you need them, home is a listening ear that'll give you the honest truth, home is meal a minute every time you go back to visit, home is the one who knows you better than you know yourself. We love you for all that you continue to do. We thank you.

Moms look forward to us starting our career, the day of our wedding & giving birth to their grandchildren. I think it puts a extra smile on their face to know we as their children are going to understand their struggle of raising a child. I know I put my Mom through hell and she did the same to me, during my teenage years. But as I became a adult I began to understand why she was so hard on me. I can appreciate that now because I have blossomed into this amazing women just like her. Thank You MOM! 

We gain a sense of peace to see that smile on your face Moms. We just want to make you proud & we LOVE you for everything you have done for us. THANK YOU MOMS.

Written By: Fifi Oginni

Just to celebrate all mothers in the world we are giving a extra 20% Off Entire Purchase on Barcode Glam website use coupon code: THANKYOUMOM

Below is images of the Barcode Glam Team & our Moms:

Me & My Mom

(Shanequa owner of Barcode Glam & Her Mom)


(Twon the Shipping Director for Barcode Glam & his Mom)

(Maria Director of Receiving for Barcode Glam & her 3 generations of mothers)

(Emerald Event Coordinator for Barcode Glam & Her Mom)

(Jordan Intern & Her Mom)

(Fifi Intern & Her Mom)


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